Pokemon games developed by the best fans


The Pokemon franchise has touched the lives of millions of gamers. The original games were unlike anything else on the market, creating a brand new genre of games that focused on collecting and fighting unique and interesting creatures. The main series games have undergone numerous graphical updates, new gameplay mechanics have been introduced and removed, and hundreds of brand new Pokemon have been introduced in different regions. They've been inspiring dozens of other developers to create similar games, but even fans have tried their hand at making their own games.

All Pok پوmon fans love the series for a variety of reasons and express that passion by creating fan games that pay homage to the series. They may even try to create new experiments using brand new features and mechanics, or simply shake the basic formula. They can do this either by modifying existing Pokemon titles or by creating new ones from scratch. Some of these games are considered to be just as good or possibly better than the official games. Here are the best Pokemon fan games for those looking for a new spin in this classic series or for those looking to fill the gap between now and the release of Pokémon Scarlet and Violet.

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Note: Pokemon fan games have not been formally approved by Nintendo and therefore have legal rights to remove them. Fan games that use copyrighted material, such as Pokémon, cannot be used for sale or for profit. If you're looking for more information on finding, downloading or even creating your ROM hacks, check out the resources at PokeCommunity. PokemonRomHacks also has a lot of guides and tutorials to help you download and run the emulators. PokémonLog is a great way to find and download other Pokémon ROMs.

Pokémon UraniumA war is about to start in a jungle.

Pokemon Uranium is probably the most popular ROM hack. This game puts players in a brand new Tandoor region. This story is as true to Pokemon as you can get, by putting you in the shoes of a brand new trainer who is given an early Pokemon by Professor Bambo and defeating his respective gym leaders. Jim goes on a quest to collect badges. . However, things get deeper very quickly. Your protagonist's mother was killed in an explosion at a nuclear power plant and she barely knows her missing father. The 200 Pokemon are made up of 160 fans. In addition to the full story mode, the game also includes a system of online trading and battles to pit these new creatures against others.

Support and updates for this title have been discontinued due to DMCA takedown notices issued by Nintendo, but you can still find and play the latest game updates.

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Pokémon Insurgence A crowd listening to Pokémon's speech.

In terms of ROM hexes, Pokémon Insurgence is the most ambitious about how much it changes and enhances the games from which it was created. It's already out as a full release for download and play, but the team is committed to providing more updates to fix any bugs and add more content. Currently, it is at or above the level of any traditional Pokemon game. There are brand new characters and music, and it even brings the concept of mega evolution back to 2D-style games. The most impressive thing is Pokemon's new delta spaces. These are just some of the goal setting shareware that you can use.

Far from the bat, you'll see that Pokémon Insurgence is going for a much deeper, more mature, story than the main series. Without going into the depths of the plot, this new tour area where you play is threatened by mysterious sects. Instead of collecting badges and trying to become a regional champion like a normal Pokemon game, you need to control the heroes of each region so that they can become a new defender against the nefarious sects. These sects, of which there are five to be overthrown, worship the legendary Pokیمmon and offer human sacrifices in addition to other atrocities to appease them. Too much to say will lead to amusing discoveries, which you might not say about most Pokemon games, but it turned out to be a welcome addition to this well-crafted and well-written fan game.

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Pokemon Phoenix Rising

Pokémon Phoenix Rising also focuses more on the story, but this time there is more leaning towards the RPG aspect of things that can affect progress, including player selection. The game has great pixel art style, fully customizable characters, and a roster of brand new mega evolutions and reel forms. These are very rare alternatives to the current Pokemon that change their nature and tactics. Pokemon Phoenix Rising, more than anything else, is an extension of the main series RPG elements. In addition to your Pokemon routine, you'll also have main and sidecoasts, skilled trees, and the aforementioned choices.

Due to its high RPG focus, the story of Pokemon Phoenix Rising is very detailed and fascinating. The New Hawthorne area is known to have been home to a group of oracles that maintained peace in the region for hundreds of years until attempts were made to control a self-styled royal family and turn Hawthorne into a military nation. ۔ The journey is like a traditional JRPG like Pokیمmon has never tried, and it has a lot of interesting and strong side characters. This game is episodic, with 8 hours or more of good experience with Episode 1, but since this is a fan project done in people's spare time, it is not clear when future episodes will be released. Will

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Pokémon Reborn A woman talking about the environment and Pokیمmon.

Pokémon Reborn just started out as an RPG Maker game that was purely an online league game but has since been transformed into a full-fledged game. Between 1st and 7th generation there are 21 starter Pokemon, 807 Pokemon to be caught and fought, 18 Gym, reworked shiny Pokemon, online activity, 50 hours or more story mode, and more. That big campaign, once again, as a trend we see with fan-created stories, looks to explore the world's more serious and serious implications with Pokemon.

Pokémon Reborn begins in Reborn City. This industrial zone is full of pollution and crime, and is on the verge of collapse. The changes in combat and how encounters work in general are also really interesting. The game has special field effects that you need to learn and adapt. There are 37 that can change your play style, such as Misty Terrain that protects all Pokیمmon from status quo, or Water Surface where ground-type movements don't work at all, among many changes.

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Pokemon Radical Red A Trainer is calling Pokemon games for kids.

If you've been around Pok آغازmon since its inception, Pok پوmon Red or Blue may have a special place in your heart. Whether you're a Jane 1 die hard or not, there's something special about the first Pokemon adventure. Pokemon Fire Red was a great way to revisit those memories, but after all these years, it's clear that they are very simple and easy experiences.

Pokémon Radical Red is a welcome mode for anyone who wants the game to go back a bit. Radical red is structurally similar to fire red, but it is slightly harder. New changes in gameplay and re-balancing stats, the ability to trade skills between Pokemon, no more HMs, re-challenge IVs with visible and color codes, special EV training zones, more Legendary Pokémon, and defeated Jim leaders again. Options to do include The game also comes with a built-in randomizer mode that you can enable from scratch.

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Pokémon Fire AshAsh and pikachu on the title screen.

Pokemon games, anime, and collectible cards all started in a relatively short time. In the early days, at least in the West, it was a bit confusing about what came first and why things were different. The biggest dilemma for many was why the main character of the anime, Ash, was not the main character of the game, known simply as Red. In fact, the stories of Ash and Reid were quite different, which led to the creation of this fan game. Launched in 2015, and still being updated today, Pokémon Fire Ash more closely describes the adventures in anime as a game. It is based on the Pokémon Fire Red edition of the game, but it has many new features to make it feel like an anime.

At the time of writing, Pokemon Fire Ash follows Ash on its adventures from the Kanto area to Alola. If you haven't retained the anime, it means you can find Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova, Kalos, Orange Islands and Alola in this one game. That means there are over 800 Pokemon, 50 James, Mega Evolution, and Alola Farms. Brooke and Misty, like the show, support you in your quest, and they can compete.

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The professors of Pokémon Emerald KaizoA are congratulating you.

Kaizu's name is notorious in fan sports. It was originally attributed to the moder who created the extremely difficult Kaizo Mario ROM hack, which basically eliminated the entire genre of ROM hacks that require almost perfect levels to defeat.

Although the game does not touch on the main plot or structure of the original Pokemon Emerald, this Kaizo Edition basically changes everything. The AI ​​is designed to have no mercy at all, the wild Pokemon you encounter are a real threat to everyone, gym leaders and trainers all have new teams, and even punish you. The layout of Jammu and the basement has been rebuilt. Oh, and did we mention that you can't use anything during the war?

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Pokemon Crepe Black Professor Oak says you're in trouble.

Pokémon Creepy Black may be the only fan game in the series that seeks to take the game in a terrifying direction.

If you've never read the original story, it's about a supposedly haunted copy of Pokemon Black for Creepy Pasta Gameboy called Pokemon Black (this was before the official Pokemon Black & White announcement was made. had gone). In it, the player starts in a weird version of Pokemon Red, with a ghost Pokemon in his party by default. When a player encounters another Pokemon in battle, opponents cannot attack, and Ghost's only move is a curse. Once used, the second Pokemon is killed instantly. As the story progresses, I will not spoil it with more scary and weird encounters in the game as the ROM follows all the events and includes everything in the original story. You might not think that a game based on a little bit of sprite can be scary, but Pokemon Crepe Black is proof of that.

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Pokemon Clockwork Lily says she wants to help the professor.

Pokemon Clockwork is set in the new Rosari region and is the center of a mystery surrounding the legendary Celebi Pokémon. The main new mechanic, as the name of the game might tell you, is a complete day and night cycle that can determine which Pokemon you encounter, but that is not the end of it. Time travel is also an important feature of a story of 40 hours or more, without giving too much distance. Other things to look forward to are brand new Pokیمmon, new tricks, a complete RPG quest system, new types of Pok پو Balls, and new ways to fight, including pitting one Pokیمmon against two, or one of the bosses. The kind of rush where you try and beat six trainers. , With six Pokیمmon each, without being knocked out. This is a great, sweet Pokemon game to sink your teeth into.

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Pokemon Dark Rising is a Pokemon you choose.

Pokemon Dark Rising is just the first part of a four-game series, plus a remake of the first series. The game is set to debut in 2012, with the sequel Pokémon Dark Rising 2, followed by Pokémon Dark Rising: Order Destroyed, Pokémon Dark Rising Origins: Worlds Collide, and finally Pokémon Dark Rising: Kaizo. It's a remake of the last one, much harder than you might expect from a Kaizo game, but it does have some significant plot and structural changes that make it worth re-experiencing.

In a cool twist, the setup for Pokémon Dark Rising is that your character's dream is about a Pokémon who chooses you to go in the quest to save the world, rather than his partner. ۔ You also learn that your friend in Core Region had almost the same dream, which led to a familiar experience of going to the professor and getting his first Pokemon. The threat in this game revolves around natural disasters caused by climate change, and moves on from there, involving anime characters such as Ash, but also Pharaoh's Yu-Gi-Oh! There's a decent roster of 386 Pokemon to catch, as well as dozens of gameplay tweaks. If you are ready for the story of Pokemon's new adventure, then this series is very well prepared for the efforts of the fans.

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UnovaRPG Pokémon Online Doc Pokemon Dooling on PC.

MMO has been one of the most requested games by Pokemon fans for years. The gameplay and structure of the series seems perfectly suited to the MMORPG genre, and yet Game Freak has shown no interest in taking the series in that direction. Although they are not official, we have to give a lot of credit to the last two entries in this list to try to give us everything we wanted, but in their own different ways. UnovaRPG Pokémon Online is a free to play Pokemon that can be played in your browser without any download. It has the old 2D Sprite art style, but a much more intuitive and usable interface for the PC, if not a bit artistically.

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PokéMMOA trainer and evee are climbing the stairs.

PokéMMO is also in 2D style but uses much more detailed sprites and some 3D elements that make exploring and cinematics more dynamic. There is a full story mode to go through, you just have to start as another trainer in the world of Pokemon, but you can choose from many early areas including Kanto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, and Unova. Regardless of where you start, the plot will remain the same, but each area has its own unique 8 Gym Leaders and Elite Four. The Pokemon roster is filled with mostly Pokemon scattered between the first and fifth generations, with a total of just under 700 so far.

Development works in such a way that you would naturally think that if Pokemon becomes MMO. You can get XP and level your team by fighting, but you have a level cap that can't be passed until you beat the next gym leader and get their badge. Take You can also do PvP battles, find objects, berries and other items, breed your own Pokemon, and take part in brand new Hordes. These are groups of three to five wild Pokemon that you need to fight together, which is great for speeding up XP farming as well as the hunting process for shiny Pokemon. Developers and the community are very active for this game, with updates and change logs posted almost every month. If GameFreak never decides to create its own MMO, then PokéMMO may be the best alternative we can ask for.


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